
This website

Merry Christmas Jumpers does not capture and store any personal information about individuals using our website. Where you have provided personal information, or filled out an enquiry form, the information may be used to contact you.

All information you provide is used exclusively used by Merry Christmas Jumpers; we do not sell, trade or transfer our data to any third parties unless express consent is given. If you would like to exercise your right to know about the personal information Merry Christmas Jumpers hold about you, have this data corrected or deleted, then please address any data protection enquiries in writing to our UK offices.


Affiliate disclosure

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

This website may contain links to product deals and prices from trustworthy online retailers. If you click on the links through to these retailers, we may be paid a small fee, or affiliate commission, on the purchases you make. This commission is at no extra cost to you but does help pay for this website.

Note about product details and product prices: please note the material on this website – including product details and prices – may sometimes become out of date or on rare occasions, be incorrect. We try our best to keep the material up-to-date and correct but can make no commitment or warranty to ensure this.



As part of respecting the privacy of visitors to our website, we do not use any cookies that collect personal information about you. By browsing and using and the Merry Christmas Jumpers website you are giving consent for cookies to be used according to our cookie policy. If you do not consent to cookies being used, you can block or restrict any of the cookies through your browser settings.

Details of the cookies we use, their names and why we use them are outlined below.


Allowing the website to operate

To make sure that the website operates correctly and runs smoothly we use cookies which assign a session name to each visit, these cookies are removed on closing the browser.


Understanding website usage

To better understand how our website is used and monitor its performance we use web analytics cookies provided by Google. Cookies are used to collect information such as the time of day a visit occurred, which pages were visited, how long was spent on the site and to identify the referrer and any search keywords used..

Google Analytics cookies include:

_utma | _utmb | _utmc |_utmv | _utmx | _utmxx | _utmz | _utmcw


Third party cookies

In order to allow functionality from social media networks such as Twitter and LinkedIn, third party cookies are used on the Merry Christmas Jumpers website. We have no control over these third party cookies. To find out more about any third party cookie it is advisable to visit the respective site to review their individual cookie policy.