Funny Christmas jumpers


…Overheard conversations in the run up to Christmas…
It’s the Christmas office party next week.  What d’ya think I should wear?” – “I’d go for something smart and plain…keep up business appearances.
Mum, its Christmas jumper day at school next week.” – “well, we’ll  find you something nice and tasteful to wear, dear.
I’ve no idea what to get crazy-cousin-Chris for Christmas this year.” – “He seemed to like those grey socks you gave him last year.

…NAAAH!!! Only joking! You would categorically never, ever…ever hear any of the above conversations (at least not from anyone vaguely worth knowing!). And why is that? Simple, because those conversations are boring and have totally missed the point of Christmas and the now Traditional As Turkey Christmas Jumper.  The whole point of our well-loved Christmas knit, its whole raison d’être, is to be FUN, and therefore also frequently FUNNY.

If your selection criteria for your Christmas jumper is that it makes you look ‘sexy’, ‘reem’, or ‘sophisticated’, then you need our help in resetting your Christmas knit-o-meter. There’s a whole 11 months of the year when dressing cool gets you cred, and then there’s Christmas-jumper-ember (aka December) when dressing funny wins points.  And in our (fairly expert) opinion, when it comes to Christmas jumpers, the funnier, the better.  Enter into the spirit of the Crimbo knit – let it bring you and others festive happiness by making folk laugh.

You’ll be spoilt for a gag-tastic choice on the jumper front this year … depending on what makes you smile and who you’re hanging out with from gentle, good-natured Christmas humour that’s suitable for Christmas dinner with Gran to more slap-stick comedy that’ll be sure to get a good laugh from the lads in the pub.

And if you can’t decide on your funny Christmas jumper for this festive season, why not take things a step further and just wear an inflatable turkey suit? We can’t think of anything much funnier than that!

So whether you want the year’s best meme or an inflatable turkey suit (stranger things have happened), you’ll find it here. There’s plenty to choose from too, on a wide scale of funny; from a chuckle from nan to roaring laughter from the boys at the pub – there’s humour to be had for all. Christmas jumpers are fun – so make your jumper funny this year and be more jolly than the big guy himself.